Friday, January 27, 2012

Subscribe to Drew's YouTube channel and WIN a VAGABOND!

Just click on the above link and subscribe to Drew's channel on You Tube and you will have a chance to win a


Good Luck Everyone!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A New Year, and New Resolutions

I promise to write in my blog at least twice a week!

As many of you may already know, my dear Grandmother Ernestine passed away on Christmas Day.
She completed her 102nd year of life here on earth, (Dec. 26th was her birthday)

I was with her by her side, until the end.  She whispered into my ear on Christmas Eve that she hoped she would go to Heaven.  Grandma, I know you are in Heaven, because you were and are and angel.

I love you and always will remember all the lessons you taught me, from how to make Chicken Soup, to how to treat others.

I hope you were proud of me, and will continue to watch over me as you did when you were here.
I love you!

Ernestine age 2, a beautiful angel, just like now!