Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ribbon Dispenser Box Day 2, It's Finished!

Hey Bloggers!
I am happy to say that I have new batteries in my camera, and I have finished the Ribbon Dispenser Box.
This project is really fun!  I love using the Crop-a-dile Big Bite and plan on making about three more of these Ribbon Dispenser Boxes!
We left off yesterday when I had just punched the holes in the sides of the shoe box.  Using the 3/18" setting, I punched 10 holes on the two long sides of the shoe box.  I then selected some eyelets, but right then my camera batteries died, so I had to stop for the night.  The box didn't look the way I had envisioned it, so I decided to spruce up the box by changing the color of the eyelets.  
I selected a lime green and used both small and medium sized eyelets.  I loved the way it looked!

I alternated sizes of the green eyelets and it made the box look prettier!
There are many colors and styles of eyelets available, as you can see by just the ones on my desk.
This photo is a bit blurry, sorry.  It is showing how I attached the eyelet to the shoe box.  
Align your eyelet puncher right into the hole you punched and press firmly.
It will make the nicest eyelet you will ever see!
Here you can see that I put the ribbon spools inside of the box, on to the dowels.
The dowels are 3/18" x 12 ". 
 There are 10 eyelet holes but more than 10 ribbon spools on each side.    
I learned something important here...
 Next time I make this Ribbon Box, I am going to first place my ribbon inside the box and see how many ribbon spools fit.  That number will determine how many holes I punch.  Regarding dowel rods:  Purchase a dowel rod that is 3/18" as this size matches the largest punch on the BIG BITE. 
It also is a perfect fit for the little wooden balls that I put on the ends.  
The wooden balls give the box a more finished look that if you just left them uncovered.
These wooden balls are available at Michael's in the jewelry department. ($2.99)
The dowel rods are in the section that sells wood crafts.  (.29 each rod)
In this photo I wanted to illustrate that some ribbon spools may be too wide for the eyelet 
holes you punched.  These holes are only 3/18" so 1/2 " ribbon is about as wide 
as you can go--maybe 5/8" but not much more.  
For your wider ribbon spools,  punch larger holes and use larger eyelets.  

The Ribbon Dispenser Box fits nicely into my storage area, and blends with the other boxes!
If I need a ribbon for a project, I simply pull out what I need from the box, no need to dig through scads of ribbon inside a box, never knowing what I have because I can't see what I have!
Here is the finished project!  I think it turned out great!  The cost was under $5.00  and we accomplished two things today.  We organized our ribbon and we used our BIG BITE!


If you have any questions about this project, please post a comment and I'll tell you what I know!
I had a blast making this box.  I'll put the step-by-step instructions in tomorrow's blog.  But for tonight I just wanted you to see these photos!  Try it!  It's inexpensive and it's fun! *I have since painted the little balls green to match the eyelets.  It made the box look very nice and completed the project!

NOW!  About the giveaway!  Leave me a comment telling me what you think of this project.  I appreciate all your comments, ideas, and input so don't hold back!  I will pick a winner at random tomorrow and winner will be announced tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 9 p.m.

Artistry LTD Stamp Club meeting at Ink Paper Rubber Thursday evening at 6 p.m.  This is a free club and everyone is welcome.  The challenge this month is a layout challenge.  Mary Kay is in charge of the demo... a three dimensional shoe that would make a great treat or small gift holder for Easter.  Please bring these supplies:  Patterned paper (12" x 12" double sided or 2 coordinating sheets in 12" x 12".)  Adhesive, Mary Kay recommends wet adhesive like Zip glue.. a strong dry adhesive such as red line tape will also work.
Well that's all for tonight!
Please don't forget to COMMENT!
 Just click on the word Comment at the end of this post, and it will open up a comment window.
If you have trouble, email me at and let me know!

Happy Crafting!


  1. ReNae, I liked the ribbon dispenser at this time I have my ribbon in a container that is way too small so I will be making this. I don't own a big bite so do you think it will be worth buying or should I try it with the little hammer kit? My comment on decorating is I want to cover it with the stamped paper Gia taught us. Thanks for all your had work in getting this info to us. Samantha

  2. Samantha,
    Since my shoe box was a bright pink, I did not cover mine with paper. I would suggest covering your shoebox with the paper first, before any holes are punched. There is a good video I found when I googled "Crop-a-dile Big Bite" that explains just how to cover your box. I believe it was on YouTube.
    Regarding whether or not to buy the Big Bite...the advantage is that the Big Bite has a very long arm which enables you to punch way into the paper. For example, you can punch into the center of a 12 x 12 scrapbook page. If you use a regular hole punch, you don't have that advantage. I punched about 2 inches into my shoe box when I made the Ribbon Dispenser. It has a very easy soft feel to it and is not hard on your hands to punch. If you use your coupon, you can save up to 50% off if you go to Michael's to buy it. I can bring mine to stamp club Thursday evening so you can tryit! If you need a coupon, go back a few posts on my blog, I posted a coupon for all the stores or go to and print one from there. I'll bring my shoebox Thursday b night too! See you then!

  3. Absolutely beautiful!!! I don't have a big bite so on to the store. My ribbon is all over the place and a headache to keep from getting all jumbled. Waht a great idea. I like your colored boxes. Where did you get them? Thanks for the demo!!

  4. Kat,
    These inexpensive boxes are from Michael's but I have also seen them at Jo-Ann's. They are in the scrap book area but sometimes they are in a separate display by themselves. Usually they cost around $ 2.50 up to $4.00. Another idea is to cover them with paper. You can use any shoe box, (Try DSW or Payless or any shoe store that might have shoe boxes they will give away. The Big Bite will be a good investment and you can use your coupon! I will be posting a card tonight made using the Big Bite!

  5. ReNae...What an awesome idea!!! It looks so cool and it is a great way to hold all of your ribbons!!! I love it! You are so creative!!!



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