Thursday, September 20, 2012

Photos of surgery and why I've been gone so long!

Hi Bloggers,
You wanted to see why I've been absent from the blog, so here you go!
I have posted some X rays and some photos, to show you a little bit about what they did when I had surgery in July.  I must warn you some of the images are very hard to look at, so use discretion.

Thanks to everyone who offered support and love during this time.
I hope to be back in the swing of things very soon!

love, ReNae

The surgery was a knee replacement RE DO.  I had 4 unsuccessful surgeries on the left leg here in Kansas City, which led me to Dr. Leo Whiteside in St. Louis.  With his expertise, he was able to remove the faulty implant, and with the help of other skilled surgeons, repair my leg to where I will be able to walk fairly normally again.  I owe him a lot.  He is one amazing doctor!

Here is an X ray of the implant which is inside of my left leg.
This is why I had such a large incision.
Here you can see the how the implant goes up inside my femur.
You can also see the cable rods which keep it secure.
Here you can see the cable rods that go around the bone
to ensure that the opening that was cut in the bone does not split open after I start walking.

I am pointing to my HIP replacement, which is only 2 inches from the top of the knee implant.
On normal knee replacements, they don't have to put these rods in.
I put this X ray on the sliding glass door to show you my LEG
and how the implant looks inside the leg.

Another view, and NO there is not a potted plant inside my leg!  LOL!
This was right after surgery in my hospital room.
The red stuff is a mixture of betadine and blood.
My view of the surgery,
the booties kept the blood from clotting. filing up with air and squeezing my feet!

Bruising after surgery
The Betadine gave me a terrible rash, which itched to HIGH HEAVEN!
Medicine finally!  It helped the itchy incision.

Working hard at PT
The best day ever was the day my friends came to see me.
On their way home from CHA, they took time to stop in St. Louis to visit me!

Rehab hospital in Des Peres, MO
Ahh, stitches are OUT and I feel like going home to Kansas City!


  1. OH MY!! That is one heck of a incision! Wow! I'm glad you are thru that recovering so well. You'll need to be able to walk around when you get here to Nebraska :)

  2. I am sure that by then I will have thrown away my walker, and will be much better! I have bargains to find in NE!!

  3. This email from Donna Wood was too sweet not to share...
    WOW! I had no idea, but thank you for sharing all of this. I hope you are well on your way to being mobile again and am amazed that you are doing so well now.
    My family, from Japan, moved in with us for 2 months during July and August. My son and wife had a 4 month old and a 31/2 year old that came here. The baby is now 6 months old when they left, and we miss them terribly. My daughter came from Columbia Mo, for a week at a time, several times as well. It was wild, but it was wonderful!
    I am so sorry to not have been aware of your your surgery and certainly would have at least sent a card. I am hoping to see you soon again. Thank you for your website and sharing your fun insight to creativity. I am even more inspired by your strength and fortitude. You did a great job ReNae. Good for you. Thanks again.
    Blessings, Donna

  4. Wow, ReNae! You certainly have been through a lot with four surgeries. Hopefully, this is the last one and you'll be walking around much better soon.

  5. Yes Patty, the four surgeries were just in the last 3 years, but the other 28 surgeries I 've had have all been fairly successful. I will say this, there is so much hardware inside of me that I beep at the airport! LOL!


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