Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The highest form of flattery...

Inspiration.  Mo-Jo. Your Muse.  
It's hard to say what motivates us as creatives.  But for me, perhaps what motivates me the most is the work of fellow artists.  I am excited to share with all of you a couple of photos that were sent to me from my dear friend Mary Larner from Severn Beach, Bristol, UK.  

I first met Mary on the Milliande Art Community for Women ning site, where she and I were Art Journal swap partners.  I count myself among the lucky ones each and every day, for being fortunate enough to have been given Mary as a partner!
She inspires me daily with her beautiful projects, so you can imagine how proud I was today when I saw her posts on Facebook where she had created a project citing ME as HER inspiration!  
You see, I write this blog in hopes that maybe, just maybe something I post or something I create  will inspire one of you to try something new, perhaps even something out of your comfort zone.  Which brings me back to Mary.  
She created these amazing projects using inspiration from my blog!  I am so honored, and so touched.  Thank you Mary, for sharing these with me and my fellow bloggers.  
First, my Collage Christmas Card
Layers, scallops, buttons, Santa...etc.

 Mary's vision
She said that the Christmas Plaque was not her typical style, but I think it's just beautiful!
Card from previous post, (Moon illuminates behind focal image)

Mary's Halloween Banner
Moon behind focal images...
And at Night-time...
See how cool this is illuminated!
Inspiration comes in all forms, from our friends and family,  each other's work, or that full Halloween moon you see in the sky tonight.   When you see something that pleases you, or that is special to you, incorporate it into your work!  You will love the outcome!  
To view more by Mary Larner go to her blog,  Tin Can Cart   HERE! 
And her Flickr page HERE.  She is one amazing artist!
Today in the mail I received a package from Mary!  Here is what she sent:
Thank you Mary for your generous gifts!
I can't wait to incorporate these lovely book pages (some over 100 years old)
and other ephemera into my projects!
You're so sweet and thoughtful!  Thanks!

Beautiful ribbons, old lace, old book pages and vintage photos
were included in Mary's care package to me!

If you have art projects you have created and would like to share with me please send me a message and I'll post them!  I want to see what inspires you to create!
Don't forget to leave a comment below, it's always so nice to hear from you!
So until next post,
Happy Creating!


  1. Thank you ReNae ,I think I am the lucky one to have been partnered with you ,and found such a wonderful and inspirational friend.

  2. How lucky you both are to have found someone you immediately connect with. Both your work is so beautiful! BTW, I followed your advice regarding using a blending tool--worked like a charm! Will post the tag I made soon.

  3. Patty I will look forward to seeing what you created! I believe you were using the collage technique on your tag, so I am really looking forward to posting it here!

  4. I am so pleased they arrived ReNae, I look forward to seeing your creations.


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