Monday, November 5, 2012

A Scary Halloween Craft Party!

 Hello Bloggers!

Halloween isn't just for kids, and here is proof!  
Halloween Friends gather at Ink Paper Rubber
Our local stamp store, Ink Paper Rubber was the location of a party October 31st held for some scary "Older Kids".  Chili and spooky snacks were on the menu, including Punch with floating eyeballs, edible mandibles, and other delicious and creepy fare.  
Mary Kay Dorrell samples some of the delectable and spooky treats!
A frightfully good time was had by all!  The award for Best Costume went to Mary Kay Dorrell who dressed as shown below.  Can you guess what she was?
Too cute for words!
Other costumes included a Peacock, Baboon, and a Witch.
Jen, the lovely Peacock

Judy, The Caped Baboon
A straight from Hogwarts, Connie Riley and her Dancing HAT!
The highlight of the party was "Creepy Craft Wars".  
The contestants were put into teams of two, and were charged with creating a Christmas ornament made strictly out of recycled materials.

A ski slope with snowmen made of cotton balls, skiing on toothpicks was chosen as the winner, and other entries were a bird house made from a toilet tissue roll, a Christmas tag made from cardboard, a crafty table, and a hand-beaded decorative ornament, all with the emphasis on having FUN!
(designed by Ann-Marie and Judith)

(Best use of recycled materials)
Embossed tag made of Cardboard 
Hand-Beaded Christmas Ornament
The best part was getting together and having some old fashioned fun!
Thank you to Jen and Manna for putting on this fun-filled spooky evening!
Jen oversees Manna as she serves up floating eyeballs.
(shaking her tail feathers while she serves!)
We all had a great time!
Who says Halloween has to be just for the kiddies???
Happy Creating!


  1. great pictures. we had a great time

  2. I look at this and see a group of friends sharing a passion for craft, I wish there was something like this near me.

  3. Mary,
    It's easy to start your own group. Invite a few friends over and have a small project they can do. Everyone will have a lot of fun, so then arrange to meet again, and in no time you will have a group of fun friends who share your love of crafting!
    I commonly invite ladies over to my home to have craft night. They love it and everyone has a lot of fun.
    You might also see what your local stores have in the way of stamp clubs. Here in KC, we have a stamp club associated with each store. I'm in most of them! LOL!
    Give it a try, and good luck!

  4. Looks like great fun! I envy that you have a group like this to get together with. I really don't know anyone in my area that does paper crafts.

  5. Love how you selebrate, and the treats looks so funny.


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