Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A visit from my Mom

Hello Dear Bloggers,
I'm writing this post late at night-got my weekly fix of bachelorettes and housewives, and even checked on my favorite blogs and crafting websites.  Now it's time for some special friends-YOU!
I wanted to share my happy weekend with you all.  You see, this weekend I was able to spend some time with my Mom. And that time is very special to me!
Marie and ReNae
Mom and my honorary dad, Jerry, live in Las Vegas and I live in Kansas. I don't get to see them very often--maybe 2 or 3 times a year.  Usually they come visit family here in Kansas once in spring and once in the fall, NEVER in winter! ( there is a good reason they live in warm Nevada) So imagine my surprise when I got a call from my Mom telling me they were making a spur-of-the-moment trip to Kansas City for a surprise birthday party for my Uncle Ron (Mom's brother)!
I had a great time this weekend spending time with Mom, she has always been a source of pride for me!  Mom was always an independent woman, and taught me to be the same.  She was always a hard worker, with a competitive nature that drove her. Ever-hungry for knowledge, Mom earned her doctorate degree in education, and is very intelligent.  She can speak on most any subject.

I have really enjoyed spending time with her these past few days and as I sit here getting ready to close my eyes for the night, I think about all the things my Mom taught me, all the support she showed  me, and all the love she has given me over the years...and I can tell you I feel very, very lucky to be her daughter!
Mother and Daughter
Good night dear bloggers, and Happy Creating!


  1. This made me cry ReNae,I never had a close relationship with Mum,and now she is in care with Alzheimer's I regret that.❤


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