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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The ever-elusive adapter cord!

I have been searching HIGH AND LOW for the adapter cord that transfers my photos from my camera to my computer.  
It is not where it usually is, and I've been searching for it for a week!  I have drafted several posts, with photos of many of you, and they are sitting in limbo while I search.  
So Wednesday I am breaking down and buying a new cord!  It is the only way I know that will make the original one turn up.  You know, Murphy's law...sort of...
So instead of promising for days on end, I am just going to say check in later today and you may find that I have posted several photos of the past month's activities of all us artsy farts!
See you later...wonder how much that cord is gonna cost me???  LOL!

Check back soon!!!


Mary Anne Komar said...

Oh my goodness I hope your surgery goes extaordinarily well! You're in my prayers.

ReNae Allen said...

Thank you Mary Ann! I appreciate that so much! And I finally found a way to get the photos off my camera so hopefully I'll have a new post up soon! :-)

Connie L. Riley said...

Hello ReNae.
Haven't checked in for a while and was reading about your adapter problem. If you have a memory slot in your computer, you can pull the sim chip from your camera and put it into your memory slot of your computer. If not, I can offer help. Call me at 913-677-6799. BTW when is your surgery? Connie Riley

ReNae Allen said...

I have tried everything! The adaptor cord I purchased fits but does not get the photos from the camera to the computer. Then I bought a little gadget that is supposed to read memory cards. My memory card does not fit it!! I am taking the darn thing into Best Buy, maybe I have done something to the camera. I am not very savvy when it comes to computers and cameras. I have never ever even played a video game except Pac Man. I have no idea what's wrong. I will try to have the problem fixed soon.
I don't have a slot for the memory card on my laptop. And it makes me mad, if I could just find the old cord it probably would work just fine. ???? ARGH!!!

Connie L. Riley said...

ReNae! Don't fret. I have equipment at my house that could probably do it in a "flash" (yes, pun intended). I'd be glad to help you! CALL ME. Connie

Connie L. Riley said...

ReNae, got your message last night. Sorry I missed your call! Glad you resolved your technical difficulties. Hope all is well.

ReNae Allen said...

Yes Finally! I found a device at MicroCenter that can read the memory card, and transfer the photos to my iphoto! Whoo-hoo! Get ready everyone, the photos are a comin'!