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Friday, September 28, 2012

Gelatos Videos

Hello Bloggers,
I promised to show you some additional techniques using Gelatos-- but for now, let's get acquainted with them by viewing some of my favorite videos where other crafters demonstrate their use. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all these fine artists/crafters who provided us with such wonderful tutorials!  I appreciate you all!

I hope you enjoyed viewing these videos, and that they get you interested in using Gelatos.
The card that I made only took 5 minutes, as the background I used was basically me just applying color without any rhyme or reason.  After the background dried, I simply stamped the bird image on it using Archival ink.
It's easy, fun, and quick to make a beautiful card with Gelatos!

 I hope you enjoy these videos, and until next time, Happy Creating!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Last Doctor Visit for a Year! Whoo-hoo!

Hello Bloggers!
Well, the waiting is over!  I am happy to report I have been released as a patient for my recent knee surgery!  Today I took Amtrak to (and from) St. Louis and met with my surgeon, the one who performed my knee replacement RE-DO in July.
He said I have lots of new bony growth and that I can lose the walker, and start using a cane!  He also said I don't have to return to him for ONE YEAR!  I am so excited!
When I arrived at the station in Kirkwood, MO, my dear friend Rita was there to pick me up!  She did this in more ways than one!  Rita is a very positive and animated person, and always sees the glass full, not even half-full!  I love that about her!
We went to lunch at Pickleman's in downtown Kirkwood, then the doctor's appointment, and finally went to the Farmer's Market which is located right across the street from the train station.  
Rita is such a fun and lively person, and it was a lot of fun spending the day with her.
Here are some photos from today--I hope you enjoy them!
I'm super tired as this was a very long day, so I'll be back tomorrow with more ideas using Gelatos!

Rita & ReNae in Kirkwood, MO
and look!  NO WALKER!

Mums from Harvest Market, Kirkwood, MO
Lots from which to choose!
More than a pocket full of posies!
Purple Posies! These were just stunning!
Strategically placed pumpkins...

Bringing in more pumpkins 
Rita is outstanding in her field...

We are having a great time in Kirkwood!
It feels a lot like Halloween around here!
Harvest Market in Kirkwood, MO
Nothing says autumn like a basket full of corn! 
I hear that train a comin'- coming down that track...(see behind us)

Right on time!
Rita says "See ya later kid!"
No words to describe this one..
The train ride back to Kansas City was lovely!
Missouri River view near Hermann, MO taken from my window
So serene...
Day is done...
Meanwhile, back at the market Rita checks out her kumquats!
The colors were so bright!
These were unusual looking! 
Love the texture of these squash!

Well that's about it, one day in the life of a very happy EX-Patient!
Have a wonderful week, and Happy Creating!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Crazy Life Workshop Information

Hi Bloggers!  
Earlier this summer I had the opportunity to take an online class with Christy Tomlinson and Art McCracken called "Your Living Canvas".  It was a class designed to address life and how you can incorporate your life, your living canvas, with art that you create.  It was a great class and I feel that I got a lot out of it.
Now Art has come out with a new online workshop called "My Crazy Life".  
Each month subscribers will have access to a new classroom style lesson that will include the following:  
LIFE LESSONS LEARNED: a video lesson that will also include exercises to enhance your daily life as you learn to improve your outlook on life and who you are as an individual.  
ORGANIZED CHAOS is the second video which will include an art video teaching technique and the thought process that goes into creating a project. The last Lesson for the month will be  
LIFES'S JOURNEY, where students will be a part of something greater than themselves. As a group we will select a group of you each month to create a traveling canvas that will take on a new look and face with everyone that receives this package in their mail and in turn ships it to the next person in line. When it has been touched by the selected number of people for that canvas it will return and be sold or auctioned and the proceeds will then go to support a charity of our groups choice and hopefully support the coomunities we are blessed to live in. 
Here's a video preview of the course:

I am looking forward to enrolling in this workshop, and hope you do as well!
You will enjoy Art's easy style and helpful suggestions, and of course, the ART that we create together will be auctioned off and money will be donated to charity!
Have a great week, and Happy Creating!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Musings

Hi Bloggers!
Just a quick post today...I finished up a card that I started at a Make & Take a few weeks ago.  The card was made using Gelatos and Archival ink.  

First I just colored a small piece of white card stock, using a variety of Gelato coloring pens/crayons.  These babies are so much fun!  They are water-based and work well in all sorts of techniques.  Later this week I will show you some of them!

For this card, after the white piece of card stock had been colored, I stamped an image of a bird on it with Archival Black Ink.  I think the result was very nice!  When I got it home, I decided to take it off the white card background and change the background to a turquoise shimmery one.  I then lined it with a black mat to highlight the black ink.  

Here is the finished card.

Against the red background
Against a blue background
Later this week I will be demonstrating various techniques using Gelatos, so please check back!
Happy Creating!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Photos of surgery and why I've been gone so long!

Hi Bloggers,
You wanted to see why I've been absent from the blog, so here you go!
I have posted some X rays and some photos, to show you a little bit about what they did when I had surgery in July.  I must warn you some of the images are very hard to look at, so use discretion.

Thanks to everyone who offered support and love during this time.
I hope to be back in the swing of things very soon!

love, ReNae

The surgery was a knee replacement RE DO.  I had 4 unsuccessful surgeries on the left leg here in Kansas City, which led me to Dr. Leo Whiteside in St. Louis.  With his expertise, he was able to remove the faulty implant, and with the help of other skilled surgeons, repair my leg to where I will be able to walk fairly normally again.  I owe him a lot.  He is one amazing doctor!

Here is an X ray of the implant which is inside of my left leg.
This is why I had such a large incision.
Here you can see the how the implant goes up inside my femur.
You can also see the cable rods which keep it secure.
Here you can see the cable rods that go around the bone
to ensure that the opening that was cut in the bone does not split open after I start walking.

I am pointing to my HIP replacement, which is only 2 inches from the top of the knee implant.
On normal knee replacements, they don't have to put these rods in.
I put this X ray on the sliding glass door to show you my LEG
and how the implant looks inside the leg.

Another view, and NO there is not a potted plant inside my leg!  LOL!
This was right after surgery in my hospital room.
The red stuff is a mixture of betadine and blood.
My view of the surgery,
the booties kept the blood from clotting. filing up with air and squeezing my feet!

Bruising after surgery
The Betadine gave me a terrible rash, which itched to HIGH HEAVEN!
Medicine finally!  It helped the itchy incision.

Working hard at PT
The best day ever was the day my friends came to see me.
On their way home from CHA, they took time to stop in St. Louis to visit me!

Rehab hospital in Des Peres, MO
Ahh, stitches are OUT and I feel like going home to Kansas City!